Vision and Pillars
In 2020 we met to redefine our vision and establish pillars that guide our work day
to day.
The University of Arkansas Honors College was created to foster opportunity in a state
with a history of social disparity and pressing educational needs and to create a
competitive in-state option for top students from Arkansas and beyond.
As part of the state's land-grant and flagship institution, the Honors College has
an obligation to be at the forefront of creating a world where all can flourish.
To this end, the Honors College prepares University of Arkansas students to be leaders
with intellectual, economic, cultural and ethical impact in the widest scope of fields.
Inclusion: We strive to reflect the diversity of our state and to build a college community
that embraces and uplifts the widest variety of experiences and insights.
Curiosity: We critically engage the rich and varied insights of the past and reach for the pressing
questions of contemporary scholarly life.
Innovation: We encourage students to become intellectual risk takers who draw from resources across
the university and in the community to identify and pursue a fulfilling life path,
not the easy or expected one.
Accountability: We embrace our role in cultivating engaged individuals and seek to act as responsible
stewards of the resources entrusted to us and to be accountable to the communities
we serve.