Frequently Asked Questions about the Path Program

Path Graduating Cohort

Have questions about the Honors College Path Program? We've got answers for you here.

To join the Honors College Path Program, you must be from an underrepresented background (first-generation, significant financial need or geographic area of the state that is less well-represented), live in Arkansas, be academically strong, and show a level of leadership and civic engagement. Specific eligibility requirements include:

  • high school GPA of 3.5 or above
  • ACT composite score between a 23 – 27 (1130 – 1300 SAT)
  • apply for University of Arkansas scholarships

High school students who meet the above requirements will be invited to apply to the Path Program.

The Path Program defines underrepresented background in various ways. Students are considered underrepresented if they

  • Have significant financial need
  • Will be a first-generation college student (neither parent graduated from a four year college)
  • Come from a geographic area of the state that is less well-represented at the university

Path students can pursue a degree from any of the six academic colleges on the University of Arkansas campus. Our Path students are pursuing majors ranging from agribusiness to architecture. 

Yes! Thanks to generous support from private donors, we offer Honors College Path Scholarships to those selected for the program. Students in the Path Program are pursuing degrees in disciplines across campus. 

The intersession bridge program is a two-week bridge program that gives Path Scholars the chance to move to campus early, take a class, and make meaningful connections with other students, as well as with faculty and staff.

The intersession bridge program is free to participants. The program will cover the cost of living on campus (including meals), classes taken during the program, and program activities and supplies. 

More questions? No worries: Contact Xochitl Delgado Solorzano at or (479) 575-3874.