Honors College Path Scholarship

Architecture student and professor examine sketches.

You've always dreamed of designing skyscrapers or perhaps, your passion lies in eliminating "food deserts" in inner cities. Thanks to generous support from private donors, the Path Program supports students in every discipline and every academic college.  

Honors College Path Scholarships are awarded to  incoming freshman students pursuing interests that range from architecture to pre-med to poultry science. They will receive annually renewable scholarships up to $4,500, or $5,500 if they later join the Honors College.

In addition to scholarships, our Honors College Path Scholars will benefit from programs and mentoring offered by the Honors College and our partners across campus. Our goal is to create a community that will equip you with the tools you need to thrive as a future professional. You will commit to:

  • Intersession bridge program
  • Living learning community in Hotz Honors Hall
  • Peer and faculty mentoring
  • Academic Success Advising
  • Research and Internships
  • Student development and engagement

To be an Honors College Path Scholar, students must:

  • Be from an underrepresented background (see criteria below) 
  • Have a high school GPA of 3.5 or above
  • Score between a 23 - 27 composite ACT (1130 - 1300 SAT)

The Path Program defines underrepresented in various ways. Students are considered underrepresented if they

  • Have significant financial need
  • Will be a first-generation college student (neither parent graduated from a four year college)
  • Come from a geographic area of the state that is less well-represented at the university

The Honors College Path Scholarship may be applied towards tuition, room and board, and fees, and may also be used to support other expenses such as study abroad, undergraduate research projects and travel to conferences.

Yes! The Honors College Path Scholarship definitely can be combined with other financial awards. This scholarship is meant to supplement, not replace, any existing support you may receive from the University of Arkansas or externally.

Honors College Path Scholars are also eligible to receive funding from the Academic Enrichment Program (AEP) or any other program that offers mentoring and financial support.

Yes! Honors College Path Scholars can pursue all majors with an eye towards entering any profession, including medicine.

Current University of Arkansas students are ineligible for consideration.

Questions? Please contact Xochitl Delgado Solorzano at xdelgad@uark.edu or (479) 575-3874.